Request an appointment

Select service
Individual Psychotherapy, 60 min, $180 (use this option for a first appointment and for the standard follow up appointment)
1 hour
Family psychotherapy with the patient present, 60 min, $180
1 hour
Family Psychotherapy without patient present, 60 min, $180 (select this option if I would be meeting with a person in a client's support network, on behalf of the client and our work.
1 hour
Individual Psychotherapy, 45 min, $135 (follow up appointment, choose 60 minute option if you prefer or need that, most people do. We can chat at our next session the best option for you.)
45 minutes
Initial Couple/Relational Therapy Session, $275 (needs to be arranged ahead of time)
1 hour
Couple/Relational Psychotherapy Follow up session: 60 minutes - $225
1 hour
Individual session 75 minutes, $225
1 hour